I couldn’t’ help but do a “double-take” and make sure nobody was looking when I clicked the link... I did not want my wife and kids to see what I was seeing. In the fraction of a second after one powerful click of my mouse, there they were in all their glory. Ice.Cold.Corona beers. CoronaTripTo.com. Given the warm and dry climate of summer, I found myself hexed by the sweepstakes advertisement. That could be me! Just a handful of survey questions would be all it takes for a complete get-away full of ocean views and Corona’s lathered in condensation.
In the article titled “Corona offers a spin on crypto craze to get people back to the beach”, Corona promotes cryptocurrency labeled “Triptocurrency” that can be used to fund trips through Expedia. Consumers can enter the sweepstakes to win the digital currency valued at $2500 to fund flights, hotels, or combination packages through the online travel platform. Known as the Tripto program, big names such as Snoop Dog and Zoe Saldana are investing and promoting the partnership through social media.
"You can't choose everything in life, but you can still choose to find the fine in life," - Snoop Dogg.
Branded on every single bottle of Corona is the saying “La Vida Más Fina”, translated as "the Fine Life." Already a renowned brand around the U.S., Corona seems to represent a lifestyle of fulfillment through imagery and brand ambassadors that really hones in on the culture of living in the moment. Imported through Mexico, the La Vida Más Fina campaign from Corona does a fantastic job of harmonizing summer culture and vacation “vibes” through their Latin slogan.
Immediately after finding yourself on the sweepstakes website CoronaTripTo.com, you’re placed in a beautiful beachside view with a couple cold ones and not a worry in mind. With the Tripto sweepstakes, you’re not bound to head to the beach, but Corona definitely does insist on the propaganda implemented. Corona in collaboration with Expedia use the vivid summer season portrayed in the advertisement to their advantage as a potential sales strategy suggesting a summer trip and their products.
The big challenge Corona and Expedia are tackling is the coronavirus epidemic. Through surveys, Corona deduced that “six in 10 surveyed consumers have had a leisure trip canceled over the past year” and about “56% of Gen Zers want to take a beach vacation”, targeting the younger crowd. Traveling isn’t really the business model for Corona, but partnering with Expedia puts them in a huge advantage over their competitors.
What I find most remarkable about Corona’s approach through the advertisement is the collaboration Expedia. “Marketers are also looking to partnerships with brands outside of their industries as data-sharing needs change and first- and second-party data grow more valuable.” With the Tripto sweepstakes, rather than Expedia just promoting on their own, they were able to capitalize on the aftermath/contraction of the world epidemic and branch out their targeted audience to those of Expedia.
The Tripto sweepstakes campaign is definitely a win-win for Corona, as well as for Expedia. As the world begins to reopen its doors from the epidemic this year, it’s common sense to me that people are on the move, and traveling is back on the menu. Really pushing the summer theme imagery and not too much emphasis on product, the Corona “image” is still powerfully incentivized with traveling through Expedia. The advertisement itself left a taste which I’ll be associating with the other this summer.
Something different I would do as a brand manager for Corona is adjustments to the big advertisement image for the Tripto sweepstakes( https://coronatripto.com/ ). I think Corona’s slogan “La Vida Más Fina” really encompasses the essence behind the summer sweepstakes, as such I would try to promote on there. When I say “Corona” in my head, the image that I visualize is the cold glass bottle with the staple slice of lime on the top. That being said, I think their drinks/products could have been exaggerated a bit more to really target consumers on remembering that image, whether they win a summer vacation or travel on their own accord.
Sweepstakes have not always appealed to me. In the back of my mind, the word has almost immediately been associated with fake car warranty calls or spam mail. I learned from this article that renowned brands, big celebrity names, and trialing times can be big deciding factors between scrolling through content and suspensefully double-clicking an advertisement.
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